Therapy Unfiltered with Mom and Me
A mother daughter duo share raw, authentic and direct insights on mental health through a spiritual lens.
Therapy Unfiltered with Mom and Me
Ep. 94 - Unlock Your Inner Wisdom Through Embodied Flow and Tantric Philosophy with Wizard, Sage and Threshold Guardian Colette Davis
Petey, Sarah and Angelic are leading the Soul Journeys Retreat in Costa Rica from May 13-18, 2024! www.souljourneysretreats.com! Early Bird Discount of $500 off thru 2/4/24!
Thank you to our advertiser, Dr. Bethany Padgett of Whole Hearted Holistic Solutions! www.wholeheartedlyyours.org
A dedicated student of classical Tantric philosophy and the school of Embodied Flow™yoga, Collette has been teaching yoga since 2014 and has over 1500 hours of training and an MA in Interdisciplinary Psychology. Her unique approach is an alchemical blend of somatic yoga with yoga philosophy to have a felt sense of connection to the Divine, to release and heal through the bodymind and to make contact with all the parts of ourselves. Collette facilitates intuitive moving meditations that guide students into the liminal and imaginal realms of the somatic unconscious to become a more whole human being. Her great love is kula and she is inspired by the power of community and the circular way in which we can create together and support one another.
- Retreats: https://www.samavesayoga.com/events
- Early Bird on the Colombia retreat. Book before Feb 25th to receive 10% off and email Collette to say you heard through the podcast for an extra 5%!
- Insta: https://www.instagram.com/collettedavisyoga/
LET’S STAY CONNECTED! Petey: https://www.peteysilveira.com / Sarah: https://www.heysarahburnett.com/
TODAY’S AFFIRMATION: I allow myself to connect within. I create alignment in mind, body and soul as I tap into my inner truth.
- No matter what happens, no matter how far you seem to be away from where you want to be, never stop believing that you will somehow make it. Have an unrelenting belief that things will work out, that the long road has a purpose.
- If you are feeling stuck in any are of your life - whether it’s a relationship, a job, or just a situation - ask yourself <<what is stopping me from leaving?>> Yes, leaving is scary, but sometimes it is the right step to take. Be brave, we are right beside you.
- Release old doubts and fears. You are currently undergoing changes that are necessary for your highest good. They are changes that have been long awaited. Leave the past where it belongs - in the past. Trust that everything will fall into place for you, in divine timing.
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